Clinical indicators to monitor patients with risk for ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion


  • Miriam Abreu Almeida RN, Ph.D. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul –UFRGS-, Brasil. email:
  • Marcos Barragan Silva RN, Ph.D candidate. UFRGS, Brasil. email:
  • Bruna Paulsen Panato Undergraduate nursing student. UFRGS, Brasil. email:
  • Ana Paula Oliveira Siqueira RN, Master candidate. UFRGS, Brasil. email:
  • Mariana Palma Silva Undergraduate nursing student. UFRGS, Brasil. email:
  • Bruna Engelman Undergraduate nursing student. UFRGS, Brasil. email:
  • Isis Marques Severo RN, Ph.D candidate. UFRGS, Brasil. email:
  • Aline Tsuma Gaedke Nomura RN, Master. UFRGS, Brasil. email:



Outcome assessment (health care), / classification, validation study, critical care, neurology.


Objective. Select and validate the clinical indicators to monitor patients on risk for ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion, according to the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC).

Methodology. Validation study carried out between November 2012 and August 2013, in a Brazilian hospital. Seventeen judges nurses evaluated the clinical indicators of Nursing Outcomes, according to NOC for patients on risk for ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion. In the first stage, were selected the nursing results for the assessment of the studied diagnosis and, in the second nurses assessment the importance of the indicators of the validated results in the previous step through a five points Likert scale (1 = not important to 5 = extremely important). Were used the content validity index (CVI) that corresponds to the calculation of weighted averages of them marks awarded for each indicator, as it considered the following weights: 1=0.00, 2=0.25, 3=0.50; 4=0.75; 5=1.00. For categorization, the CVI considered as critical = ≥0.80; supplementary =≥0.50 to 0.79 and were disposed results <0.50.

Results. Of the 9 nursing results, only the cerebral tissue perfusion obtained a 100% consensus. The CVI of the 18 indicators of this result showed that five were validated as critical (impaired neurological reflexes, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, reduced level of consciousness and mean arterial pressure), 12 were validated as supplementary (Agitation, Impaired cognition, Intracranial pressure, Syncope, Vomiting, Findings of cerebral angiography, Headache, Restlessness, Fever, Unexplained anxiety, listlessness and Hiccughs) and one was disposed (carotid bruit).

Conclusions. The validation of information about the conditions of risk may allow early intervention to minimize the consequences of ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion.


How to cite this article: Almeida MA, Silva MB, Panato BP, Siqueira APO, Silva MP, Engelman B, et al. Clinical indicators to monitor patients with risk for ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion. Invest Educ Enferm. 2015; 33(1):

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How to Cite

Abreu Almeida, M., Silva, M. B., Panato, B. P., Oliveira Siqueira, A. P., Silva, M. P., Engelman, B., Severo, I. M., & Nomura, A. T. G. (2015). Clinical indicators to monitor patients with risk for ineffective cerebral tissue perfusion. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 33(1).

