“Not worth doing prenatal care”: an ethnographic study of a low-income community


  • Patrícia L. F. Santa Rosa Nurse Midwife, Ph.D. Student. University of São Paulo –USP, Brazil. email: patriciasantarosa@usp.br
  • Luiza A. K. Hoga Nurse Midwife, PhD. Professor, USP, Brazil. email: kikatuca@usp.br
  • Jéssica Reis-Queiroz Midwife, PhD Student. USP, Brazil. email: jessicagreis@usp.br




Pregnancy, prenatal care, poverty, anthropology, cultural.


Objective. The aim of this study was to explore the reasons why pregnant women do not seek prenatal care (PNC).

Methodology. The ethnographic method was used in a low-income Brazilian community. Ethnographic interviews were performed with 11 postpartum women who did not seek PNC in their last pregnancy.

Results. The cultural sub-themes used to express reasons for not seeking PNC included: “I found out I was pregnant too late and did not have enough time to receive PNC,” “I did not receive PNC because I had to hide the pregnancy to avoid problems,” “I had to address urgent issues and could not seek PNC,” “The services are not good and going to the doctor when not ill is only for rich people,” and cultural theme: “PNC is not worth pursuing: it is unnecessary and there are too many obstacles to receiving it.”

Conclusion. The main strategies that should be considered to increase adherence to PNC are better access and integrality through the use of adequate management criteria.


How to cite this article: Santa Rosa PLF, Hoga LAK, Reis-Queiroz J. Not worth doing prenatal care": an ethnographic study of a low-income community. Invest Educ Enferm. 2015; 33(2):

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How to Cite

Santa Rosa, P. L. F., A. K. Hoga, L., & Reis-Queiroz, J. (2015). “Not worth doing prenatal care”: an ethnographic study of a low-income community. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 33(2). https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.23009

