Patient satisfaction, vaginal smears, early detection.Abstract
Objective: to describe the satisfaction of service users with the timely detection of cervical cancer through the analysis of indicators and socio-demographic characteristics.
Methodology: descriptive study. 101 women participate; they have PAP test in July 2007 in 13 urban health centers from San Luis Potosi Health Department Jurisdiction 1. Socio-demographic characteristics and use of service indicators are measured, including also satisfaction level.
Results: the average age is 36 years old. Maximum level of education is ninth grade (42.6%) and 54.5% of the participants have Popular Insurance; 80.2% are married; the women that more attend for the first time are the youngest (18-31 years), and the married ones; and the ones that attend less are those between 51 and 61 years old. Those that are more willing for the first time are the married ones; and the ones with less attendance are the divorced, separated and widows. General knowledge about PAP test and uterine cervix cancer is adequate in 51.5% and 76.2%, respectively, whereas the accessibility is adequate in 67.3%. Satisfaction level was high on waiting time (66.3%); with complete, truthful, opportune, and understandable information (78.2%), as well as an appropriate treatment from health personal (87.1%) and accessibility (80.2%).
Conclusions: the users are satisfied with the service. In this article we find that Papanicolaou test is not associated with women satisfaction. Age and marital status are associated to the appointment for the PAP.
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