Suffering trajectories: amputed and non-amputed adult men because of diabetes mellitus
This is a report about research on the results of a qualitative investigation work, which objective was to recognize differences in illness trajectories between two diabetic persons groups with the same general characteristics of age, occupation and socioeconomic level. In one of those groups, diabetic complications lead them to one or two extremities amputation and in the other those complications were no present.
Research was made during the years 2000 and 2001, basically with patients of a university clinic, located in a middle-low socioeconomic level in Guadalupe, Nuevo León, México. Information was obtained through a partial structured interview and by observation in self-support groups and in patients homes.
Main results are concentrated in differences in diet management, familiar structure support, self-care practices and medical attention. Different management of stress and alcoholic consumption are discussed.
Key Words: diabetes mellitus, amputation, selfcare
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