Nursing care to children with traumatic brain injury: in the inicial emergency attention


  • Paula Andrea Medina Moncada Corporación Clínica Salud Coop Juan Luis Londoño de la cuesta
  • Shirley Coronado Padilla Clínica Las Américas Medellín



This section is the result of a documental research about the identification and classification of nursing problem offered in the initial emergency attention for pediatric patients, with traumatic brain injury. For marking this study, we performed a bibliographic written review of Spanish and English literature between 1997 and 2002; we also got information from a survey made to pediatric emergency nurses with two or more years working in third level hospitals in Medellín. This information found from the survey was ordered, classified and analyzed according the frequency in the answers, and it was compared with the information found in the literature; as a result from this study we would like to propose a protocol for the nursing care of children with traumatic brain injury in order to standardize the initial emergency attention in way efficient in the institutions of health in Medellín. Key words: Cerebral injury in children, nursing cares, nursing care protocols, pediatric urgencies.
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Author Biographies

Paula Andrea Medina Moncada, Corporación Clínica Salud Coop Juan Luis Londoño de la cuesta

Enfermera especialista en cuidado al niño en estado crítico de salud. Universidad de Antioquia 2002, Enfermera jefe Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal y pediátrico Corporación Clínica Salud Coop Juan Luis Londoño de la Cuesta, Medellí

Shirley Coronado Padilla, Clínica Las Américas Medellín

Enfermera especialista en cuidado al niño en estado crítico de salud. Universidad de Antioquia 2002, Enfermera jefe Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Neonatal, Clínica Las Américas Medellín



How to Cite

Medina Moncada, P. A., & Coronado Padilla, S. (2008). Nursing care to children with traumatic brain injury: in the inicial emergency attention. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 22(1).

