Nursing auxiliarie profile to enter a professionalization nursing program
Four hundred and five ancillary nursing aspirants to the professional non presential nursing program were surveyed in order to establish the academic and occupational profile and to determinate the convenientadjustments in the curriculum. The majority of the surveyed were between 26 and 35 years of age(56.82%). Ninety two point three per cent were females. Fourty two point five (42.5%) per cent were singles. Thirty six (36%) per cent were married. Fifty seven point five (57.5%) per cent of the surveyed had left intermediate school between eleven and twenty years. Nine point nine per cent (9.9%) of them had university education or were attending undergraduate courses in other professions like gerontology, administration, biology, chemistry and law. Thirteen point four per cent (13.4%) of them have had some kind of continious education in the health area. The aspirants principal motivations to follow professional nursing studies are: to obtain better scolarship and a professional degree: 31.1%; to attain personal improvenment: 29.1%; to search excellence in occupational practice: 14.4%; for the personal fullfilment experienced in the practice of nursing: 11.6%; to improve earnings and consequently to improve their level of life: 9.6%. The characterization of this group of aspirants motivates us to reflect about a curricular design to reinforce the learning process because they have spent considerable time estranged from formal education. At the same time it is convenient to give consideration to the motivations they had to enroll in superior level and to ask about their possible attitudes in their search of knowledge. Thus follows the pursuir of an adequate methodologyh to answer this question.This group claims for the creation of academic programs able to form professionals in compliance with the coverage policy stated in the new social security legislation, and with the right to education enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Key Words: Nursing auxiliarie, Professional education, Nursingeducation.Downloads
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