Case management: analysis of the concept.


  • Santina Nunes Alves Casarin Universidad de São Paulo
  • Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa Universidade de São Paulo
  • Roxana Isabel Cardozo-Gonzales Universidad de São Paulo
  • Maria Helena Larcher Caliri Universidad de São Paulo
  • Maria Celia de Freitas Universidad Estadual de Ceará



The goal of this work is to define the concept of case management in the American Nursing Management and Journal of Nursing Administration published during the 80's and 90´s, available at the Central Library of the University of Sao Paulo of Ribeirao Preto. After RODGERS (1993), we used the Concept Analysis, emphasizing the ";essential attributes";, ";antecedent"; and ";conseqent"; events, and also Case Managent is expressed as a model, wich  integrates quality and cost, as an organized structure, to improve the quality  of care and service coverage, and as a systematic process. Antecedent events: need to reduce cost, changes in reimbursement practice, fragmentation of care, need to improve the continuity of care and to reduce the length of hospital stay. Consequent events: continuity of care, reduce fragmentation, improve the quality of care and cost, interdisciplinary practice, satisfaction of the professionals. The predominat substitute term was managed care. It is cosidered that the concept of case management is named differently according to the contex in which it is used, but keeps the main characteristic of patient advocacy.

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Author Biographies

Santina Nunes Alves Casarin, Universidad de São Paulo

Enfermeramagister en el área de Salud Pública de la Escuela de Enfermeria de Ribeirao Preto de la Universidad de São Paulo.

Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa, Universidade de São Paulo

Profesora, Dra. del departemento de Enfermería Materno - Infantil y Salud Pública de la Escuelade Enfermería de Ribeirao Preto  de la Universidad de Sao Paulo (Brasil). Orientadora del trabajo.

Roxana Isabel Cardozo-Gonzales, Universidad de São Paulo

Enfermera magister; alumna de doctorado en el área de Salud Pública de la Escuela de Enfermería de Ribeirao Preto de la Universidad de Sao paulo (Brasil).

Maria Helena Larcher Caliri, Universidad de São Paulo

Profesora Dra. de la Escuela de Enfermería de Ribeirao Preto de la Universidad de Sao Paulo (Brasil). Departamento de Enfer5mería General y Especializada - Área Fundamental.

Maria Celia de Freitas, Universidad Estadual de Ceará

Enfermra magister, alumna de doctorado en el área Enfermería Fundamental - EERP/UPS. Profesora de la Universidad Estaual de Ceará, Brasil.



How to Cite

Alves Casarin, S. N., Scatena Villa, T. C., Cardozo-Gonzales, R. I., Larcher Caliri, M. H., & de Freitas, M. C. (2013). Case management: analysis of the concept. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 21(1).

