Male and female condoms: What do women of a subnormal agglomerate know


  • Smalyanna Sgren da Costa Andrade Nurse, PhD Student. Federal University of Paraíba -UFPB-, Brazil. E-mail:
  • Ana Aline Lacet Zaccara Nurse, Master. UFPB, Brazil. E-mail:
  • Kamila Nethielly Souza Leite Nurse, UFPB, Brazil. E-mail:
  • Maria Luísa de Almeida Nunes Nurse, Master. Professor Federal University of Campina Grande, Brazil. E-mail:
  • Hemílio Fernandes Campos Coêlho Statistician, PhD. Professor UFPB, Brazil. E-mail:
  • Simone Helena dos Santos Oliveira Nurse, PhD. Professor UFPB, Brazil. E-mail:



Knowledge, women, condoms, female, prevention of communicable diseases, health education.


Objectives. Evaluate the knowledge about male and female condoms among women living in subnormal agglomerate and identify sources of information and appropriate care to use.

Methods. Household survey, descriptive, transversal and quantitative study with 300 women over 18 of João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil, who began their sexual life. The systematic sampling plan for data collection was used. The interview form included sociodemographic questions and gazed relevant aspects of the use of condoms as a preventive measure of sexually transmitted infections and AIDS.

Results. TV and healthcare professionals were the main sources of information. The participants knew more often the male condom features compared to women. The care most often mentioned by women as the use of male and female condoms were related to the validity, form of openness and conditions of packaging and storage of condoms. The largest number of care focused on measures taken in the pre-sexual moment. Moreover, care was nonspecific on the female condom.

Conclusion: The participating women have inadequate knowledge on female and male condoms. It is necessary that the nursing seek health education strategies for improving knowledge about relevant information about male and female condoms.


How to cite this article: Andrade SSC, Zaccara AAL, Leite KNS, Nunes MLA, Coêlho HFC, Oliveira SHS. Male and female condoms: What do women of a subnormal agglomerate know. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2016; 34(2):

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How to Cite

da Costa Andrade, S. S., Lacet Zaccara, A. A., Souza Leite, K. N., de Almeida Nunes, M. L., Fernandes Campos Coêlho, H., & dos Santos Oliveira, S. H. (2016). Male and female condoms: What do women of a subnormal agglomerate know. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 34(2).




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