Meaning of parenting as a teenager


  • Carolina Antolinez Figueroa Nurse, Master Student. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia. email:
  • Carlos Julio Saavedra Cantor Nurse, Specialist. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia. email:
  • Ana Helena Puerto Guerrero Nurse, Master. Associate Professor, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia. email: hpuertog@unal.
  • Carol Margeth Calderón Romero Nurse, Student of Specialization. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia. email: cmcalderonr@unal.



Paternity, pregnancy in adolescence, community health nursing, qualitative research (source, MeSH-NCBI).


Objective. Describe the meaning of parenting as a teenager.

Methods. Study of the qualitative approach with phenomenological approach in the fourth village of San Cristobal (Bogotá, Colombia). The information was obtained by means of semi-structed interviews, participant observation, photos, daily and focal groups field. The information analysis was performed using the phenomenological method of Amadeo Giorgi.

Results. The meaning of  their parenthood in the adolescentsrevealed five units of sense: emotional ambivalence, paternity as a process of learning, changes in lifestyle, making a life project and support networks.

Conclusion. Teenage fatherhood was interpreted by the participants as a positive change and assumed a patriarchal perspective.


How to cite this article: Antolinez C, Saavedra CJ, Puerto AH, Calderón CM. Meaning of parenting as a teenager. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2017; 35(3):348-355.

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How to Cite

Antolinez Figueroa, C., Saavedra Cantor, C. J., Puerto Guerrero, A. H., & Calderón Romero, C. M. (2017). Meaning of parenting as a teenager. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 35(3).

