Metabolic fatigue in resuscitators using personal protection equipment against biological hazard
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, personal protective equipment, anaerobic threshold, containment of biohazards, stress, physiological.Abstract
Objective. To describe the effects of wearing individual protection equipment against biological hazard when performing a simulated resuscitation.
Methods. Uncontrolled quasi-experimental study involving 47 volunteers chosen by random sampling stratified by sex and professional category. We determined vital signs, anthropometric parameters and baseline lactate levels; subsequently, the volunteers put on level D individual protection equipment against biological hazard and performed a simulated resuscitation for 20 minutes. After undressing and 10 minutes of rest, blood was extracted again to determine lactate levels. Metabolic fatigue was defined as a level of lactic acid above 4 mmol/L at the end of the intervention.
Results. 25.5% of the participants finished the simulation with an unfavorable metabolic tolerance pattern. The variables that predict metabolic fatigue were the level of physical activity and bone mass -in a protective formand muscle mass. People with a low level of physical activity had ten times the probability of metabolic fatigue compared to those with higher levels of activity (44% versus 4.5%, respectively).
Conclusion. Professionals who present a medium or high level of physical activity tolerate resuscitation tasks better with a level D individual biological protection suit in a simulated resuscitation.
How to cite this article: Martín-Rodríguez F. Metabolic fatigue in resuscitators using personal protection equipment against biological hazard. Invest. Educ. Enferm. 2019; 37(2):e04
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