Needs for family caregivers of Cerebrovascular Accident survivors
needs assessment, caregivers, family, stroke, homebound persons, survivors, qualitative researchAbstract
Objective. To know the needs of family caregivers of Cerebrovascular Accident survivors.
Methodology. This is a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory study. Data were collected from 37 family caregivers of Cerebrovascular Accident survivors from a city in the interior of Bahia, through an interview using a semi-structured form, between September 2017 and March 2018, and submitted to thematic content analysis.
Results. Three categories emerged: the early need for health education on the disease and care for family caregivers; the need to restructure care for family caregivers; 3) family caregivers need free time for social activities and (self)care.
Conclusion. Caregivers have basic needs for health care and social interaction, which can enable by educational health interventions.
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