Not being under sedation is to know that you are alive


  • Angela María Henao Castaño Enfermera, Especialista en Cuidado de Enfermería al Adulto en Estado Crítico de Salud, Magíster en Educación. Profesora del Programa de Enfermería de la Universidad del Tolima y de la Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia. Correo electrónico:
  • Sandra Adarve Gutiérrez Enfermera de la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo de SERVIUCIS en el municipio de Rionegro, Colombia. Correo electrónico:
  • Juan Camilo Trujillo Cañas Enfermero la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo de SERVIUCIS en el municipio de Rionegro, Colombia. Correo electrónico:



Conscious sedation; intensive care units; respiration artificial.


Objective: to describe the patients experience of being under mechanic ventilation without continuous sedation effects in the Intensive Care Units (ICU).

Methodology: qualitative study with phenomenological focus, performed during the year of 2006 in the city of Rionegro Antioquia, Colombia. Depth interviews were conducted to six men and three women who had all the physical and mental conditions to participate in the study aging between 24 and 48 years old.

Results: not being under sedation during the ICU stance was  associated by the patients with a lower severity of the disease and death risk: being awake allowed them to participate in their own disease process and help with the treatment.

Conclusion: the participant patients valued positively the experience of being under mechanicventilation without the sedation effects.

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How to Cite

Henao Castaño, A. M., Adarve Gutiérrez, S., & Trujillo Cañas, J. C. (2010). Not being under sedation is to know that you are alive. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 28(1).

