Risk factors for complications in large for gestational age newborns.
Risk factors; infant, newborn; gestational age; pregnancy complications; obstetric labor complications.Abstract
Objective. To explore the relationship between risk factors originated from the mother, labor and the newborn, with the risk of complications in the newborn large for gestational age.
Methodology. Analytical study of 170 cases of newborns large for gestational age (LGA), and 260 controls with appropriate weight for gestational age (AGA). Strength of association was estimated through the OR with its respective confidence intervals of 95%. Statistical significance was assumed when the probability value of the studied relationship was under 0.05.
Results 40.0% of the cases versus 13.1% of controls had any kind of complication. for an OR of 4.4 (CI95%: 2.7-7.1), prevailing congenital malformations, hypoglycemia and respiratory complications. Statistical significant correlation of the studied condition (LGA) with male sex was found.
Conclusion. Regarding children AGA, newborns LGA had a higher probability of complications, especially congenital malformations, respiratory and metabolic complication.
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- 2025-01-22 (2)
- 2012-04-10 (1)
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