positive psychology

A seductive and risky discourse


  • Laura Lizeth Tobar Almendra


Psychology, positive psychology, neoliberalism, happiness, individualism.


The following essay presents a critical reflection on the discourse posed by positive psychology, recognizing that it has been one of the most popular approaches within psychology in recent years, since its central themes allude to very striking aspects such as positive emotions, well-being, happiness, among others. However, this positive approach has been involved in innumerable criticisms, not only for the validity of its methodological approaches, but also for contributing to the productivity logic of neoliberal strategies, aspect linked to the resurgence of individualism and the pathologization of emotions such as sadness, which later leads to the feeling of unproductiveness, is why the thesis is posed that the discourse of positive psychology is so seductive and risky at the same time.

= 250 veces


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How to Cite

Tobar Almendra, L. L. (2023). positive psychology: A seductive and risky discourse. Revista Kogoró, (12). Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/kogoro/article/view/353284



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