Bases de Datos | |
Fuente Académica It’s a database that covers the main academic disciplines, offering Spanish and Portuguese journals for research. It includes many high-quality journals from Latin America, Portugal, and Spain.. |
It’s offers a wide range of bibliographic databases, covering a large number of subjects and areas of knowledge. These databases contain information on journal articles, books, reports, theses, and other documents where users can perform their searches by title, author, keyword, or subject.
SciELO Colombia It's an electronic platform that is part of the SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) project, which aims to promote the dissemination and open access to high-quality scientific journals in Latin America and the Caribbean. SciELO Colombia is, therefore, an initiative that seeks to strengthen scientific communication in Colombia, offering a collection of academic journals from various disciplines. These journals are selected and evaluated by an editorial committee, ensuring their quality and scientific rigor. |
Directorios |
It’s a regional online academic journal information system that specializes in scientific journals published in Ibero-America. It is a non-profit, inter-institutional cooperation project that aims to promote and improve the quality of scientific journals in the region.
REDIB It’s a platform that aims to promote the dissemination and open access to scientific knowledge produced in Ibero-America. It is a collaborative initiative that brings together various institutions, libraries, and scientific publications in the region. In this sense, REDIB provides access to a wide variety of academic resources, including scientific journals, doctoral theses, books, conference proceedings, and other scientific documents. In addition, it provides tools and services for the management and dissemination of knowledge, as well as for collaboration between researchers and academics. |
Ulrichs Web Global Serials Directory It’s a bibliographic database that provides information on over 383,000 serial publications from around the world. The database includes information on academic journals, trade journals, newspapers, newsletters, electronic journals, and other serial publications. |
Índices bibliográficos |
It's a tool that provides detailed bibliographic information, including author, title, source, abstract, and citation data, which allows users to identify and locate the original sources of interest. However, CLASE does not offer direct access to the full text of documents, as it is a reference tool for locating and accessing relevant information sources in the field of social sciences and humanities in Latin America.
LLAB It’s a bibliographic database that contains indexes and abstracts of international publications on linguistics and related language disciplines. LLAB covers all aspects of the study of a language, including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. The documents cataloged and indexed include articles from scientific journals, book reviews, books, book chapters, dissertations, and working papers, and its update is monthly. |
MLA International Bibliography It’s a bibliographic database that indexes articles from journals, books, theses, and other documents in literature, linguistics, and language. The database is published by the Modern Language Association (MLA) and is available in English. MLAIB indexes over 3 million citations of documents published since the 1800.
Redalyc It's a bibliographic indexing system that integrates high-quality scientific and editorial journals from the region into its index. After 16 years of providing visibility and supporting the consolidation of journals, it now exclusively integrates those that share the non-profit publishing model to preserve the academic and open nature of scientific communication in the region. |