
  • José Antonio González Marrero University of La Laguna
  • Carlos Medina-Hernández University of La Laguna



latin Philology, Ancient Rome, Middle Ages, navigation, astronomy


The aim of this paper is to examine the practice of navigation from the Roman period to the beginning of the Middle Ages by means of Latin texts. The systems and techniques introduced with the passing of time reveal the contact, which took place between Rome and the rest of the villages in the Mediterranean Basin since the first century AD. The written texts throughout these centuries show a first rudimentary and coasting navigation that gradually evolves into a crossing on the high seas. The Middle Ages provide scientific rigour to the techniques utilized in previous centuries giving way to an astronomical navigation that uses the stars to find one’s way and predict the weather.

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How to Cite

González Marrero, J. A., & Medina-Hernández, C. (2013). NAVIGATION TECHNIQUES: FROM PLINY TO ISIDORE OF SEVILLE. Lingüística Y Literatura, 33(62), 255–270.



Literary studies