«Llegando a escribir este capítulo». Chapter opening and closing literary devices in Don Quixote (1615)


  • Ana Elvira Vilchis Barrera National Autonomous University of Mexico




chapters, suspense, concurrency, narrator, space


In the 74 chapters of Don Quixote’s Second part it is possible to find different relations between the chapters and the episodes narrated, one episode can be narrated in more than one chapter as well as one chapter can be part of more than one episode. Some of the novel stylistic complexity and conscience can be observed in the analysis of the seven chapter opening and closing literary devises covered in this work: suspense, advertisement, concurrency, break in the narrative, narrator presence, appeal to the receiver, characters change of space.
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How to Cite

Vilchis Barrera, A. E. (2015). «Llegando a escribir este capítulo». Chapter opening and closing literary devices in Don Quixote (1615). Lingüística Y Literatura, 36(67), 75–90. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.lyl.21834



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