Aspects of the Gothic Novel in the Novels of Ernesto Sábato


  • Marco Antonio Fonseca Gómez Central University



gothic, novel, influence, representation, Sábato


This article addresses the analysis of the appearance and the particular treatment of several aspects of the gothic novel that Ernesto Sábato (1911-2011) carried out in his novels On Heroes and Tombs (1961) and The Angel of Darkness (1974). The author used the figures and motives of this literary current to support a theme that was fundamental throughout his career and through which he developed his novelistic work: the irruption of the irrational in the fictional plane.

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How to Cite

Fonseca Gómez, M. A. (2018). Aspects of the Gothic Novel in the Novels of Ernesto Sábato. Lingüística Y Literatura, 40(75), 139–159.



Research articles