Encounter of Words: A Literary Analysis of The Story Sobre las plumas del pavo, by Agustín Monsreal


  • Elvia Estefanía López Vera University of Veracruz




story, Hispanic America, literature, narrative, analysis, compound words


The literary analysis of the story Sobre las plumas del pavo, by the Mexican writer Agustín Monsreal, is proposed. The technique of literary portraiture is studied through the composite words, which synthesize elements of prosopography and ethopreia in the configuration of the two protagonists. Then, it emphasizes the interaction of the characters, in order to dominate the other. This power struggle underpins the narrative’s dialectic between desire and rejection, expectation and reality, encounter and disagreement, and growth and annihilation.

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Author Biography

Elvia Estefanía López Vera, University of Veracruz

Professor in the General Basic Training Area of the University of Veracruz (Mexico). Ph.D. in History and Teacher in Hispanic American Literature, both postgraduate degrees from College of San Luis (Mexico). She was a Conacyt scholar for the degree from 2012 to 2017. She has published articles in national and international peer-reviewed journals on the Spanish-American literature line.


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Estébanez Calderón, D. (1999). Diccionario de términos literarios. Madrid: Alianza.

Monsreal, A. (1987). La banda de los enanos calvos. México: SEP/Lecturas mexicanas.

Oviedo, J. M. (2001). Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana. 4. De Borges al presente, Madrid: Alianza.

Quintana Gómez, M. (2014). El cuento es un regalo que nos da la literatura. Entrevista a Agustín Monsreal. Revista digital universitaria, 15 (12), s/p. Recuperado de http://www.revista.unam.mx/vol.15/num12/art99

Torres, F. (2010). Nota introductoria. Agustín Monsreal. Selección y nota introductoria de Vicente Francisco Torres. México: Material de Lectura UNAM/ serie El Cuento Contemporáneo.



How to Cite

López Vera, E. E. (2019). Encounter of Words: A Literary Analysis of The Story Sobre las plumas del pavo, by Agustín Monsreal. Lingüística Y Literatura, 40(76), 154–169. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.lyl.n76a07



Literary studies