Narrative Ethics as an Axis of Reflection for a Research on Literature Written by Women


  • Susana Henao Montoya Technological University of Pereira



narration, public imagination, ethics, character, identity


A reflective article that explores the relationship between identity and literature through the notions of ethical imagination and narrative imagination according to Paul Ricoeur, as well as that of public imagination in Martha Nussbaum. As in the previous work «Ethics Narrative in Two Latin American Novels», an attempt will be made to understand the ethical universe of the characters, in order to find their reference in the cultural universe.

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Author Biography

Susana Henao Montoya, Technological University of Pereira

Master of Letters (Technological University of Pereira, Colombia). She has published short story books, novels and two essay books called La ética narrativa en la Tejedora de coronas de Germán Espinosa y Gran Sertón: Veredas de João Guimarães Rosa and Me subo al barco y viajo en él: Relato de una experiencia de lenguaje en el mundo de los sordos. Currently, associate professor at the Department of Humanities (Technological University of Pereira, Colombia) and the Master's Degree in Aesthetics and Creation, attached to the research group in Art and Culture, of the same university.


Bruner, J. (2013). La fábrica de historias. Derecho, literatura, vida. México: FCE.

Bruner, J. (1986). Realidad mental y mundos posibles. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Fried Schnitman, D. (2002). (Comp.). Nuevos paradigmas, cultura y cubjetividad. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Gómez Campos, R. (2013). El feminismo es un humanismo. Barcelona: Anthropos.

Henao, S. (2010) La ética narrativa en La tejedora de coronas de Germán Espinosa y Gran sertón: Veredas de Joao Guimarães Rosa. Colección Literatura, Pensamiento y Sociedad, N°6, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Facultad de Bellas Artes y Humanidades, Escuela de Filosofía, Maestría en Literatura, Pereira.

Nussbaum, M. (1999). Justicia poética. Barcelona: Andrés Bello.

Nussbaum, M. (2001). El cultivo de la humanidad. Barcelona: Andrés Bello.

Ricoeur, P. (1996). Sí mismo como otro. México: Siglo XXI Editores.

Sáez Tajafuerce, B. (2014). Cuerpo, memoria y representación. Barcelona: Icaria.



How to Cite

Henao Montoya, S. (2020). Narrative Ethics as an Axis of Reflection for a Research on Literature Written by Women. Lingüística Y Literatura, 41(77), 548–561.



Literary studies