The Names of the Potato Tuber in the Quechua of Pampacorral: Towards a Cognitive Approach in the Nomination Process


  • Frank Joseph Domínguez Chenguayen Technological University of Peru



plant names, potato tuber, cognitive linguistics, Quechua


The way in which Quechua speakers of Pampacorral assign forms or signifiers to various native species of potatoes was studied. For this, the nomination process was analyzed, in which a series of theoretical principles of cognitive linguistics were integrated. From this, it was possible to establish how different cognitive models recover, initially, sensory information of the tubers and give rise, later, to a diverse series of denominations. In this way, the names of the potato varieties reveal not only linguistic and historical aspects, but also different mental processes in their construction.

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Author Biography

Frank Joseph Domínguez Chenguayen, Technological University of Peru

Pre-bachelor, bachelor and master in Linguistics from the National University of San Marcos (Peru). He has postgraduate studies in Linguistics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Peru). He has been a professor at several universities, including the National University of San Marcos (Peru) the National Agrarian University - La Molina (Peru) among others. Currently, he is a candidate for Doctor of Linguistics and research professor in the Department of Humanities of the Technological University of Peru (Peru).


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How to Cite

Domínguez Chenguayen, F. J. . (2020). The Names of the Potato Tuber in the Quechua of Pampacorral: Towards a Cognitive Approach in the Nomination Process. Lingüística Y Literatura, 41(78), 269–296.



Linguistic studies