Politics and Love under Schemes of Simulation and Dissimulation on the Background of Sixteenth Century Treatises


  • Gennaro Valentino University of Szczecin




sixteenth-century, simulation-dissimulation, politics, love, treatises


The analysis of two Renaissance constituents is proposed, well-discussed during the sixteenth century: simulation and dissimulation. Through the study of some preceptistic works, there is a reflection not only about the sphere of exteriority of such behavioral practices, but also on their political origins and their insertion into the private life of the individuals, helping them to achieve «amorous happiness», as Piccolomini says. This is an attempt to trace the common thread between the political writings of Machiavelli and Guicciardini with La Raffaella, di Piccolomini, highlighting the achievable objectives through the practice of such habits.

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Author Biography

Gennaro Valentino, University of Szczecin

I obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Modern Literature and a Master's Degree in Modern Philology, writing both theses in Italian Linguistics. Subsequently, at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice I obtained the CEDILS certification for teaching Italian to foreigners, perfecting the teaching techniques to be implemented with my students. I currently live in Poland, in Szczezin, where I teach Italian Language at the Department of Italian Studies of the University of Szczezin.


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How to Cite

Valentino, G. (2021). Politics and Love under Schemes of Simulation and Dissimulation on the Background of Sixteenth Century Treatises. Lingüística Y Literatura, 42(80), 12–28. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.lyl.n80a01