Acoustic Analysis of the Vowel Qualities in the Bribri Language




Bribri language, acoustic phonetics, vowels, formants, quantitative linguistics


This paper presents the results of a quantitative acoustic study of the vowel formants in Bribri. Specifically, it
analyzes the values of the first two formants of all the vowel phonemes pronounced by speakers from the three dialectal areas of this Chibchan language, in two different registers: careful reading and spontaneous speech. The data show very similar patterns in all three dialects and in both styles, with four vowel heights on the phonetic level. The phonemes /e/ and /o/ tend to be realized as mid vowels, while /õ/ is the one that presents the most variation.

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Author Biography

Haakon Krohn, University of Costa Rica

B.A. in Linguistics from the University of Oslo (Norway) and M.A. in Linguistics from the University of Costa Rica. He works as a teacher and researcher at the University of Costa Rica, where he teaches a variety of courses related to linguistics and written communication. His research focuses on both Chibchan languages and Spanish, and is in the areas of phonetics, phonology, morphosyntax, semantics, lexicography and computational linguistics.


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2022-04-16 — Updated on 2022-09-25

How to Cite

Krohn, H. (2022). Acoustic Analysis of the Vowel Qualities in the Bribri Language. Lingüística Y Literatura, 43(81), 32–59.