
  • Rodrigo Cabrera Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Liliana Manzi Universidad de Buenos Aires



ancient writing systems, concrete thinking, logic of the abstract, metaphor, mimesis


This article proposes an interdisciplinary approach to the notion of the linguistic sign. It starts from the semiotic debates on the dichotomous versus the trichotomous approach to it. In this respect, the premise of materiality ―i. e. the subject/object dialectic― outlined by Material Culture Studies is considered. Furthermore, the notions of concrete thinking and the logic of the abstract are discussed in connection with the ideas of metaphor and mimesis. The above proposal will be based on the analysis of epigraphic evidence corresponding to the writing systems used by the ancient societies of Egypt and Mesopotamia.

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How to Cite

Cabrera, R., & Manzi, L. (2024). REASSEMBLING WRITING SYSTEMS: MATERIALITY(IES), CONCRETE THINKING, AND LOGIC OF THE ABSTRACT. Lingüística Y Literatura, 45(86), 84–102.