For authors

Manual for Authors (How to upload a paper)

Manual autores (Cómo subir un artículo)

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Authors are required to fill, sign, and submit the form titled "Author Agreement" along with the manuscript.
    It is acceptable to submit a packet of several independent forms that include the total of authors (e.g. if authors are at different locations they can sign separate forms).
  • Types of articles and maximum length (spaces included):
    • Original Research Articles (30.000 characters)
    • Short Communications (10.000 characters)
    • Literature Reviews (40.000 characters)
    • Clinical Cases and Case Studies (15.000 characters)
    • Letters to the Editor (5.000 characters)
    • Book Reviews (5.000 characters)
  • Files. Three manuscript files in MS Word: 
    • An ANONIMOUS manuscript
    • A manuscript with names of authors 
    • The Author Agreement (signed)
  • Title, Abstract (<350 words; bolded subtitles), and Keywords (>8): in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
  • Body: in English, Times New Roman, 12 font, 1.5 line spacing, with pages and lines consecutively numbered.
  • Authors (in the non-anonimous manuscript):
    Hyphen to link surnames. Hyphen to link family names.
    Insert hyperlinked ORCID icons
    Corresponding author: marked with asterisk, placed as a linked footnote (include mailing and e-mail addresses).
  • Introduction: <400 words.
  • Materials and methods:
    Start with Statement of Approval (institutional animal care and use committee).
    Tables and figures placed were first mentioned in the text.
    Photographs: TIFF or EPS, >300 dpi.
  • Discussion:
    Separated from the Results section.
    Include a final paragraph with the conclusion of the study.
  • Declarations:
    Acknowledgments: not mandatory.
    Funding, Conflicts of interest, and Author contributions: mandatory.
  • References: follow RCCP style.

Author Guidelines

Instructions For Authors

Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias (RCCP)

(Last updated: Jan 2025)


Downloadable version

Manuscript submission

Please email your manuscript directly to the corresponding Section editor (do NOT submit it via the web page until instructed by the editor). Section editors:

ANIMAL SCIENCE: Ricardo Rosero, PhD:


AQUACULTURE: Natalia Franco, DrSc:

Author agreement 

Along with the manuscript, please submit the form titled "Author Agreement". You can submit as many independent forms as needed (e.g. if authors are at different locations they can sign separate forms).

Publication fee

The total charge per article is 380 USD. This one-time fee applies to manuscripts formally received by the editors after January 1st, 2025. Payment will be asked by the journal after final acceptance of the manuscript (no fees are required for submission of manuscripts).

Payment instructions:

1)  Payment from OUTSIDE COLOMBIA:

Payment can be done by wire transfer only (payment through direct deposit, PSE, or credit card is not possible) Beneficiary/recipient: Universidad de Antioquia Tax registration number of the beneficiary (NIT): 890.980.040-8 Telephone number of the beneficiary: (054) 2195098 Colombian bank that receives the money: BANCOLOMBIA Account type of the beneficiary in BANCOLOMBIA: Checking account Account number of the beneficiary in BANCOLOMBIA: 00198004025 Bank address: Calle 50, No. 51-76 Medellin, Colombia

Swift code: COLOCOBM (COLOCOBMXXX, in case 11 characters are required)

BANCOLOMBIA's receiving office is Dirección de Comercio Internacional: Office address:                             Av. Industriales, Carrera 48 #26-85 P1, Torre Norte Medellín, Colombia

Telephone: (054) 2518188, option 2

2)  Payment from COLOMBIA:

Payment can be done by wire transfer, ATM transfer or direct deposit (payment through PSE or credit card is not possible):

Beneficiary/recipient: Universidad de Antioquia Tax registration number of the beneficiary (NIT): 890.980.040-8 Telephone number of the beneficiary: (054) 2195098 Colombian bank that receives the money: BANCOLOMBIA Account type of the beneficiary in BANCOLOMBIA: Savings account Account number of the beneficiary in BANCOLOMBIA: 10537037272

Please keep the bank receipt; the Editor will ask you to email it as proof of payment. The receipt must state the recipient (Universidad de Antioquia), recipient bank account number, amount and date it was sent. Typos in the recipient name or account number may lead to a wire return.

The sender should ask his/her bank in case we have not received the funds after 3 weeks. Sometimes payments are returned because the recipient name is misspelled so please follow the wire instructions exactly.

Open Access

 All articles published by RCCP are open-access (readers do not have to pay to access the articles).


Copyright resides with the authors in terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. See:

Condition of use: The user may copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the articles, but must recognize the authors and RCCP.


 Neither Universidad de Antioquia nor the Journal are responsible for the concepts in the published articles. The authors remain responsible for the content of their articles.

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses of authors and reviewers will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Form and preparation of manuscripts

 Types of articles and maximum length

 (Total length includes Abstracts and References)

  1. Original Research Articles (30.000 characters, spaces included)
  2. Short Communications (10.000 characters, spaces included)
  3. Literature Reviews (40.000 characters, spaces included)
  4. Clinical Cases and Case Studies (15.000 characters, spaces included)
  5. Letters to the Editor (5.000 characters, spaces included)
  6. Book Reviews (5.000 characters, spaces included)


Manuscripts must be written fully in English (MS Word, Times New Roman, 12 font, and 1.5 line spacing). All pages and lines must be consecutively numbered. Please number page lines consecutively from the first to the last page.

The editor reserves the right to demand that authors revise the translation or to cancel the processing of the manuscript if it contains errors of spelling, punctuation, grammar, terminology, jargons or semantics that can either compromise good understanding or not follow the Journal standards. For papers originally written in a language different than English we strongly recommend that qualified native speakers of English make the translation. We strongly recommend your manuscript to be edited by a highly qualified native speaker of American English before submission. Authors are encouraged to use a language-editing service, such as*:

Asia Science Editing:


Bioscience Editing Solutions:


BioScience Writers:


Boston BioEdit:

English Manager Science Editing:

ESE - English Science Editing:


International Science Editing: Proof-

Reading-Service: ScienceDocs: http:

//www.scienced ocs. com Scriptoria:

SPI Publisher Services: http: //www.squi rrelscribe. com/ Write Science Right:

*This is a partial list for informational purposes only. RCCP has no relationship with these services and neither endorses nor takes responsibility for their services. In addition, use of any of these services does not guarantee the acceptability of a manuscript for publication.



This type of article derives from original scientific research.

Titles. Written in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Centered, font-weight: bold (English title font-size: 14; Spanish and Portuguese: 12). Scientific names in italic font (e.g., Bos indicus, Escherichia coli, Brucella abortus).

Names of authors. Centered and presented according to the international format (see: https://www,iralis,org/en/signature-criteria ). The international format ensures the authors will be properly cited in databases.

People who use two or more Given-names must unite them directly (JeanPaul, MariaCristina ...) or with a hyphen (Steven-David, José-María...), or use the second name as an initial (Jean P, María C, Steven D, José M).

Similarly, people who use two or more surnames (family name or last name) must unite them directly (SchumakerBates, DavisDean...) or with a hyphen (Hernández-Smith, Carter-Robbio...)

Special rules for Latin American authors:

Surnames having a preposition or an article should stick them to the name and sort them by the particle (De- Moya, David or La-Marca, Daniel).

In case of compound names like María, it has to be sticked, or reduced to M (or omitted if it has a secondary rol). Never abbreviate it as Ma. Examples: Carlos-María, Carlos M., or Carlos

When María goes before (e.g., María-del-Carmen, María-Jesus ...) it should not be reduced to the initial M because it can be mistaken as Monsieur or Mister.

Do not use abbreviations such as Rguez (for Rodríguez) or Fdez (for Fernandez). Keep accents and tildes (ñ).

After each name:

Do not include academic titles, degrees, or diplomas of authors.

Add a number to each author (superscript, italics) to indicate his/her affiliation.

Insert the hyperlinked ORCID icon for each author next to his/her affiliation superscripts. Size of the icon: 0.2 x 0.2 cm. Color of the ¡con: green. E.g., Jorge H Agudelo-Trujillo1' 3ffi

Separate names with semicolons (e.g., Jorge E OssaJ; Fabio N Zuluaga2).


Affiliations. Place them below the authors, left-aligned (size 10, italics), preceded by superscripts corresponding to authors. Do not translate institutional names unless they have official English translation (eg., Universidad de Antioquia does not have an official name in English; write "Universidad de Antioquia" instead of "University of Antioquia"). Include complete affiliations for each author. E.g.:
Jorge E OssaJ; Fabio N Zuluaga2

1BIOGENESIS Research Group, and Virology Laboratory, School of Medicine, Universidad de Antioquia, AA 1226, Medellín, Colombia.
2Medical Laboratory, Las Américas hospital, Medellín, Colombia.

Corresponding author. Mark it with an asterisk and place it as a linked footnote that includes both mailing and e-mail address.

Abstracts and keywords: write them in the same languages as the title.

Each abstract should be a single paragraph with up to 350 words, including the following subtitles (bolded): Background, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Do not cite references in the abstracts.

List 8 to 10 keywords in each language, separated by semicolon and presented in alphabetical order and in italics. Significant or relevant words in the title should be repeated in the keywords.

We strongly recommend to choose the keywords from a Thesaurus, e.g.: MeSH ( DeCS (  



National Agricultural Library Thesaurus (

Body of the manuscript


Should not exceed 400 words. It should present the most relevant literature associated with the main topic, tested hypotheses and objectives.

Materials and methods

This section can be divided into sub-sections and must include:

A statement of approval obtained from an institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC), or equivalent (including date of approval and code, protocol or approval number, if available). This IACUC statement must include the exact designation of the authorizing agency and should appear as the first item in the Materials and Methods section. If a statement of approval was not required, please explain the reasons in the manuscript.

The manuscript should also describe care taken to minimize pain or discomfort during animal procedures and all drugs used to deal with animal pain or discomfort (i.e. tranquilizers, analgesics and anesthetics). Justification must be provided in the paper in case the study implied discomfort to the animals or stressful conditions.

Reports or studies involving client-owned animals (i.e. clinical cases or case reports in Veterinary Medicine) should be approved by the appropriate Hospital Board where the study was conducted. Owners' written consent forms may be required by RCCP. The journal reserves the right to reject manuscripts not complying with proper approval or because of animal welfare concerns. The Journal may request further information from authors regarding care and use of animals, including evidence of regulatory approval, client consent, or compliance with local regulations.

Describe the methods used or standardized by the authors. If a method has already been described by other authors do not include details but give the respective references. Methods modified by the authors should include the references and description of modifications made.

In case of subtitles describing procedures and protocols, proceed as follows:

First order subtitle. Type it in italic, do not use bold font. Begin the description of the procedure in the line below the subtitle.

Second order subtitle. Type it in italic, do not use bold font. Begin the description in the same line of the subtitle.

Methods should also include:

Location of the study, type of study, species and number of animals used, statistical analysis (specifying the procedures used, the transformed data to facilitate analysis, statistical models applied, significance level, and error types).

Abbreviations and Acronyms. When a proper name is in a language other than the language of the manuscript, do not translate it. The name must be followed by its respective abbreviation in parentheses, e.g.: Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (ICA). Thereafter, use the abbreviation in the text without further explanation.

Chemical compounds and equipment used must be followed by the parent company, city, state and country between parentheses. E.g.: substance xx was used (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA).


Titles and subtitles of this section follow the same rules previously described in Materials and Methods.

Results must be expressed in past tense. Statistical significance must be shown in parentheses, e.g.: (p<0.05).

Tables and figures are placed were they are first mentioned in the text (please do not place them at the end of the manuscript).

All tables and figures must be referred into the text.

Photographs should be in high quality format (TIFF or EPS) with a minimum of 300 dpi.

Express units of measurement according to the International System of Units (SI).

Use a space between the number and the unit, except for the symbol for percentage (%) and currency ($). Abbreviated units should always be singular (e.g.: 3 cm. Do not write: 3 cms).

Do not use a period after a unit of measurement, except at the end of a sentence.

Do not repeat the unit when expressing multiple amounts (e.g.: 3 to 5 kg. Do not write: 3 kg to 5 kg). Use a period, not a comma, to separate decimals (e.g.: 3.5. Do not write: 3,5).

All tables and figures (photographs included) should be identified by an Arabic number followed by a period. The table title must be located above the table and the figure title below the image. The first word for column and row headings should be capitalized.

Tables must only have horizontal lines between the title and subject headings (see examples of tables from previously published journal articles). Do not use vertical lines. Use Times New Roman font for tables and figures.

Units included in the headings should be set in parentheses. Numbers, letters or asterisks indicating notes placed below the table, statistical measures or particular meanings, should be written with superscript and set in italic font. Likewise, and just in special cases, explanatory notes about the methodology used can be placed underneath a table in italics.


Write the Discussion separated from the Results section. The Discussion should interpret and discuss your results in comparison with relevant data from the literature. This section should include detailed discussions associated only with the results presented in the manuscript.

References within the text. Give the author(s)' last name(s) followed by the year of publication. E.g.: (Jaramillo, 2006; Zuluaga y Tobón, 2008; Botero et al., 2009) or Muñoz et al. (1998).

This section must include a final paragraph with the conclusion of the study.



You can acknowledge people actively involved or collaborating in the study.


Please mention all the institutions or companies that provided direct economic support to conduct the study. You can also mention any grants awarded to the authors. If the study was conducted exclusively using funds from the authors, please write: “This study was financed by the authors' own resources. There was no financial support by any of the companies mentioned in this manuscript.” 

Conflicts of interest

Declare potential conflicts of interest or competing interests for all authors. If there are no conflicts of interest, please write: "The authors declare they have no conflicts of interest with regard to the work presented in this report".

Author contributions

Following guidelines from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) regarding criteria for authorship, please briefly state the contribution from each author (e.g., who was responsible for the design or conception of the study; administered the project; collected the data; wrote, reviewed or did a critical reading and editing of the paper, etc.).

Use of artificial intelligence (AI)

Declare if you used generative AI or AI-assisted technologies during the preparation of the work. If you did not use them, please write: “No AI or AI-assisted technologies were used during the preparation of this work”. In case you used it, please write: “During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [TOOL NAME] in order to [REASON]. After using this [TOOL/SERVICE], the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication”.


How To Write The Reference List

Journal names must be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus guidelines, with no period at the end of abbreviations. Insert the hyperlinked DOI (clickable) at the end of each reference. References should be listed according to the following examples:

A.          Original Research Articles

1.        Original Article, e.g.:

 Cushman RA, Allan MF, Kuehn LA, Snelling WM, Cupp AS, Freetly HC. Evaluation of antral follicle count and ovarian morphology in crossbred beef cows: Investigation of influence of stage of the estrous cycle, age, and birth weight. J Anim Sci 2009; 87(6): 1971-1980. https://doi.ora/10.2527/ias.2008-1728

2.        Organization or Institution, e.g.:

Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Clinical exercise stress testing. Safety and performance guidelines. Med J Aust 1996; 164: 282-284. DOI xxxxxxxx

3.        Reference with no Identified Author, e.g.:

Cancer in South Africa [editorial]. S Afr Med J 1994; 84:15. DOI xxxxxxxx

4.        Journal Supplement, e.g.:

 Shen HM, Zhang QF. Risk assessment of nickel carcinogenicity and occupational lung cancer. Environ Health Perspect 1994; 102 Suppl 1:275-282.

5.        Reference with neither Volume nor Number, e.g.:

Browell DA, Lennard TW. Immunologic status of the cancer patient and the effects of blood transfusion on antitumor responses. Curr Opin Gen Surg 1993:325-33. DOI xxxxxxxx

B.                   Books

1.                       Author(s), e.g.:

Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Albany (NY): Delmar Publishers; 1996. DOI xxxxxxxx

2.                       Book chapter, e.g.:

Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. New York: Raven Press; 1995. p.465-78. DOI xxxxxxxx

3.                       Editor(s) or Compiler(s) as Author(s), e.g.:

Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, editors. Mental health care for elderly people. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996. DOI xxxxxxxx

4.                        Organization, e.g.:

Institute of Medicine (US). Looking at the future of the Medical program. Washington: The Institute; 1992. DOI xxxxxxxx


C.                      Proceedings, e.g.:

Kimura J. Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1996. DOI xxxxxxxx

D.                      Personal Communication

Cite personal communications in text only (do not include them in the reference list). Give the author's name, affiliation and provide a date when the communication took place, e.g.:

  1. Jones (personal communication, April 15, 2015).

E.                     Electronic Reference, e.g.:

Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis 1995; [access date:...] URL:


2.                   SHORT COMMUNICATION

Short communications have the same format as original research articles but should be significantly shorter than regular research articles.


3.                   LITERATURE REVIEW

This is a critical analysis of the published literature about a subject of interest. Manuscripts must follow the previous format, except for Materials and Methods, Results, and Discussion; instead, use titles and subtitles about the review topic. Authors should discuss in detail the current literature; furthermore, authors should give a critical opinion about strengths, weaknesses, and research opportunities related to the proposed topic.


4.                      CLINICAL CASE and CASE STUDY

Include the following items in both languages (English and local): title, author(s) name(s), affiliation, abstracts (not exceeding 150 words each), and keywords.

Abstracts must be organized by subtitles (in bold), including: Anamnesis, Clinical and laboratory findings, Treatment approach, and conclusion.

The body of the paper must include the following titles: Introduction, Patient examination (with the following subtitles:

anamnesis, clinical findings, and diagnostic aids used), Treatment approach, Discussion, and Conclusions.


References within the text should be cited as in Original Research Articles.


5.                   LETTER TO THE EDITOR

Authors are free to choose the format they prefer.

The letter may include tables, figures and references. A letter can have no more than one figure or table and five references. No more than three authors can sign a letter.

Please include your full address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Financial associations or other possible conflicts of

interest must be disclosed.

Letters are subject to editing for clarity.


6.                   BOOK REVIEW

Reviews of relevant books in the areas of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, printed during the last two years.

Reviews should be written in the same language of the book reviewed. The review may include references. Please use the following format:

Title: (title of the book reviewed).

Book by: (name of the author(s) of the book).

Reviewed by: name(s), affiliation, and email address of the reviewer(s)

Book Details:


Edited by:

City and country:

Year of publication:


Format: (paper or electronic)

Number of pages: Website: (if any)