ISSN (online) : 2256-2958 | ISSN (print) 0120-0690
Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias (Colombian Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, RCCP) is an international open-access journal aimed at publishing new findings on animal health and production. Founded in 1978, RCCP is edited by the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences of the University of Antioquia (Colombia). It is published in English, with abstracts in Spanish and Portuguese.
Most cited (Scopus)
Effect of iron-binding polypeptides and non-starch polysaccharides supplementation on growth performance and fecal scores of weaning pigs Presence of Chlamydia abortus in colostrum, milk and vaginal discharge samples of sheep Performance of Holstein-Friesian calves drinking desalinated water in the preweaning period Effect of tropical forage species in silvopastoral arrangements on methane production and in vitro fermentation parameters in a RUSITEC system Effects of virginiamycin and galbanum (Ferula gummosa boiss) on performance, carcass traits, immune system and blood parameters of broiler chickens
Most visited
Autocrine and paracrine regulation of follicular development I: effect of steroids Animal nutrition and feeding (monogastric) COMVEZCOL. Professional Council of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of Colombia Feeding, nutrition and production in polygastric Canine hydrocephalus: Case report
Editor 's pick
Collateral damage of fipronil in economic and ecologically important non-target species Experimental protocol to repel opossums (Didelphis marsupialis) through an artisanal odor repellent device Estimation of lactation curves of Gyr cattle and some associated production parameters in the Colombian low tropic Effects of supplemental xylanase on in vitro disappearance of dry matter in feed ingredients for swine Genetic parameters between somatic cell score and production traits for Holstein cattle in Southern Brazil
Current Issue

Saguinus geoffroyi - Tití de Geoffroy. Primate de la familia Callitrichidae, observado en bosque húmedo de Turbo, Antioquía. Fotógrafo: Julián Arango-Lozano, Biol., MSc.
Original research articles
Genotypic and allelic variability of calpain CAPN1-316 gene in Tropical Milking Criollo cattle
|Abstract = 322 veces | EPUB = 31 veces| | PDF = 189 veces| -
Effect of breed, parity number, and location on productive and reproductive parameters of dairy cattle
|Abstract = 194 veces | EPUB = 18 veces| | PDF = 103 veces| -
Effect of iron injection strategies for suckling piglets on pre- and post-weaning growth performance and hematocrit levels
|Abstract = 130 veces | EPUB = 12 veces| | PDF = 62 veces| -
Effect of acetaminophen on hepatic enzymes and renal analytes of ovary-hysterectomized dogs
|Abstract = 190 veces | EPUB = 15 veces| | PDF = 77 veces| -
Barriers and strategies for scaling up livestock agroforestry systems in the Colombian amazon piedmont
|Abstract = 391 veces | EPUB = 19 veces| | PDF = 129 veces|