
These manuscripts have been accepted by RCCP for future publication and are provisionally published on our website. They will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and galley review before final publication. This version may differ from the final version.
Accepted manuscripts
Morphological description of Chaetostoma thomsoni Regan, 1904 (Siluriformes, Loricariidae), an endemic fish species from Colombia
|Abstract = 0 veces | PDF = 0 veces| -
Efficacy of powdered leaf and flower of Lobelia decurrens Cav. to control coccidiosis in calves
|Abstract = 0 veces | PDF = 0 veces| -
Immunological effects of autohemo vaccination and autogenous vaccination in bovine with cutaneous papillomatosis virus
|Abstract = 38 veces | PDF = 20 veces| -
Adenoma of the pars intermedia of the pituitary gland in a horse in Colombia, morphological and immunohistochemical study: case report
|Abstract = 22 veces | PDF = 14 veces| -
Integration of molecular testing to confirm the presence of Tritrichomonas foetus in cattle from northwest Mexico
|Abstract = 73 veces | PDF = 59 veces| -
Use of colorimetry in a new LAMP test for the visual detection of Chlamydia abortus in domestic ruminants
|Abstract = 59 veces | PDF = 47 veces| -
Approach of the epidemiological situation of Coxiella burnetiiin South America: A systematic review
|Abstract = 44 veces | PDF = 29 veces| -
An overview of Avian Influenza in Colombia: A One Health Perspective on Surveillance, Intervention, and Policy Integration
|Abstract = 24 veces | PDF = 14 veces| -
Piglet nursing location along the sow udder line affects piglet weight gain and subsequent weaning weight
|Abstract = 865 veces | PDF = 15 veces| -
Lethal infection by Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) in a captive Azara's Owl Monkey (Aotus azarae) in Paraguay
|Abstract = 106 veces | PDF = 7 veces| -
A morphological survey of avian Haemosporida in Colombian wild birds Avian Haemosporida in Colombia
|Abstract = 81 veces | PDF = 51 veces| -
The Mixed type renal nephroblastoma in a three-years-old female dog. Case report
|Abstract = 204 veces | PDF = 29 veces| -
Tropical grasses used in haylage production: An integrative review
|Abstract = 125 veces | PDF = 68 veces| -
Agronomic characteristics of Tamani grass managed under different combinations of frequency and intensity of defoliation
|Abstract = 97 veces | PDF = 36 veces| -
Exploring bovine three-dimensional chondrocyte culture models in osteoarthritis research: A systematic review
|Abstract = 130 veces | PDF = 41 veces| -
Characterization of bone marrow aspirate reports in dogs and cats: A retrospective study
|Abstract = 55 veces | PDF = 25 veces| -
Development of an electronic device for automatic and individualized monitoring of enteric methane emissions in dairy cows
|Abstract = 45 veces | PDF = 29 veces| -
Effect of Daucus carota subsp. sativus on pigmentation and profitability of Cobb 500 broiler chicken
|Abstract = 76 veces | PDF = 27 veces| -
Typological characterization of beekeepers in Campeche state, Mexico
|Abstract = 116 veces | PDF = 64 veces| -
Wildlife roadkills in the Colombian Andes: Hotspots, causes, and most affected species
|Abstract = 200 veces | PDF = 11 veces| -
Genetic improvement in Colombian cattle, a reality or an intention? A review
|Abstract = 203 veces | PDF = 101 veces| -
Antibiotic resistance profiles of non-pathogenic Escherichia coli in pig farms in Colombia
|Abstract = 115 veces | PDF = 84 veces| -
From humans to canines: Unraveling the impact of metabolic health on mammary cancer across species
|Abstract = 94 veces | PDF = 61 veces|