Effect of Daucus carota subsp. sativus on pigmentation and profitability of Cobb 500 broiler chicken
Carotenoids, carrot, chicken feed, meat quality, natural pigment, profitability, skin color, yellow-skinned chickenAbstract
Background: The quality of chicken meat, essential for consumer satisfaction, is influenced by skin pigmentation. The lack of carotenoids in conventional diets motivates the search for cost-effective alternatives to enhance these aspects in poultry production. Objective: This study assessed the impact of partially replacing commercial balanced feed with different levels of carrot flour (Daucus carota subsp. sativus) on productive parameters and the pigmentation of broiler chickens. Methods: 64 Cobb 500 birds were randomly assigned to four experimental diets, each with eight replicates of two birds. The control group (T1) received a standard diet, while experimental groups received a diet with 10% (T2), 15% (T3), and 20% (T4) replacement with carrot flour. Variables such as feed consumption, weight gain, feed conversion, mortality, skin pigmentation, and profitability were evaluated. Results: Treatments with 15% and 20% carrot flour showed higher feed consumption. Birds in experimental groups exhibited higher weight gain and improved feed conversion, with no reported mortality. Regarding pigmentation, carrot flour influenced skin color as its concentration in the diet increased. In terms of profitability, the 15% replacement treatment stood out by generating higher income and a superior cost-benefit ratio. Conclusion: Orange cultivar carrot flour can be a viable dietary source of natural pigment for broiler chickens. It may also be beneficial in promoting weight gain and reducing mortality, translating into economic advantages.
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