The Mixed type renal nephroblastoma in a three-years-old female dog. Case report




canine, immunohistochemistry, kidney, nephrectomy, nephroblastoma, radiographic findings


Anamnesis: Renal nephroblastoma is a rare neoplasm of dogs. This case corresponds to a 3-year-old female Golden Retriever, who was treated due to bilateral abdominal distention and weight loss. Clinical and laboratory findings: There were not any alterations in the hemogram or blood biochemistry (AST, AP, BUN and creatinine). Radiographic findings were enlarged left kidney with a cystic center. Treatment approach: a median laparotomy was performed, the intestines and spleen were displaced to expose the left kidney, then this was dissected from the abdominal roof, the ureter, renal artery and vein were ligated and sectioned, and the affected kidney was excised. Macroscopically it presented a mass of 15 × 10 × 8 cm whit a central cavitation of 4 × 5 cm. Mixed type nephroblastoma grade II (SIOP and NWTSG) was diagnosed by histopathology. Immunohistochemistry was performed to confirm neoplasm and describe proliferating cell portions using cytokeratin AE1-AE3, Pax-8, and WT-1. Conclusion: Related to the rare presentation of this neoplasm it is very important to describe prognostic indicators in dogs with nephroblastoma. In this case the use of these markers was useful supporting the diagnosis.

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Author Biographies

Diego Fernando Rincón-Alarcón, Universidad de Pamplona

University of Pamplona. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Veterinary Medicine Program. Medical Pathology.

Johanna Margreth Fonseca Matheus, Universidad de Pamplona

University of Pamplona. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Veterinary Medicine Program. Coordinator of the Small Animal Veterinary Clinic. Physiology 1 and 2 teacher.

Xavier Leonardo Jaramillo-Chaustre, Universidad de Pamplona

University of Pamplona. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Veterinary Medicine Program. Small Animal Veterinary Clinic. Chair of surgery.


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How to Cite

Rincón-Alarcón, D. F., Fonseca Matheus, J. M., & Jaramillo Chaustre, X. L. (2024). The Mixed type renal nephroblastoma in a three-years-old female dog. Case report. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias.



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