Genotypic and allelic variability of calpain CAPN1-316 gene in Tropical Milking Criollo cattle


  • Anayeli Torres-Beltrán Universidad Interserrana del estado de Puebla
  • Carlos M Becerril-Pérez Universidad Interserrana del estado de Puebla
  • Francisco Calderón-Sánchez Colegio de Postgraduados
  • Fredy Morales-Trejo Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • Aleida S Hernández-Cázares Colegio de Postgraduados
  • Adalberto Rosendo-Ponce Colegio de Postgraduados



adapted breeds, calpain, cattle, genetic resources, genetic variability, meat tenderness, microsatellite, molecular markers, tropical dairy, Tropical Milking Criollo


Background: Genes and their variants associated with milk and beef production traits in cattle can be identified through molecular markers. Calpain gene CAPN1-316 has been associated with meat tenderness in several breeds. Tropical Milking Criollo males not selected as breeders are usually destined to commercial beef production. Objective: To estimate genotypic and allelic frequencies of calpain CAPN1-316 gene -associated with meat tenderness- in Tropical Milking Criollo cattle breed. Methods: Molecular marker microsatellites of single sequence repeats (SSR) from DNA were extracted from blood samples of 423 purebred animals from three farms to identify variants of CAPN1-316 using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Genotypic and allelic frequencies within populations, genetic distance, heterozygosity, and Xi squared (X2) test were performed using POPGENE software. Results: Genotypic frequencies of the whole population were CC 0.31, GG 0.18, and CG 0.51. Allelic frequencies of variant C per farm were 0.62, 0.60, and 0.52. Genotypic and allelic frequencies of the CAPN1-316 polymorphisms were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (X2, p>0.05). The CC genotype showed indication of greater meat tenderness. Conclusion: The C variant of CAPN1-316 gene -favorable to meat tenderness- has higher frequency than the G variant in Tropical Milking Criollo cattle.

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Author Biographies

Anayeli Torres-Beltrán, Universidad Interserrana del estado de Puebla

Universidad Interserrana del estado de Puebla- Ahuacatlán, Mexico.

Carlos M Becerril-Pérez, Universidad Interserrana del estado de Puebla

Universidad Interserrana del estado de Puebla- Ahuacatlán, Mexico
Campus Montecillo, Colegio de Postgraduados, Estado de México, México

Francisco Calderón-Sánchez, Colegio de Postgraduados

Campus Puebla, Colegio de Postgraduados, Puebla, México

Fredy Morales-Trejo, Universidad Autónoma Chapingo

Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Estado de México, México

Aleida S Hernández-Cázares, Colegio de Postgraduados

Campus Córdoba, Colegio de Postgraduados, Veracruz, México

Adalberto Rosendo-Ponce, Colegio de Postgraduados

Campus Córdoba, Colegio de Postgraduados, Veracruz, México


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How to Cite

Torres-Beltrán, A., Becerril-Pérez, C. M., Calderón-Sánchez, F., Morales-Trejo, F., Hernández-Cázares, A. S., & Rosendo-Ponce, A. (2024). Genotypic and allelic variability of calpain CAPN1-316 gene in Tropical Milking Criollo cattle . Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 38(1), 3–14.



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