Exploring bovine three-dimensional chondrocyte culture models in osteoarthritis research: A systematic review





cartilage, cell culture, hydrogel, musculoskeletal tissues, osteoarthritis, risk of bias, tissue harvest, tissue procurement


Background: The use of different animal species for chondrocyte culture has been employed to investigate the diseases that affect cartilage, including osteoarthritis. Bovine cartilage and chondrocytes can be used to establish three-dimensional cell cultures, which offer a more dependable in vitro model when compared to conventional monolayer cultures. However, bovine chondrocytes in three-dimensional cultures have not been widely implemented, losing a potential source of mammal tissue that could prove valuable for preclinical studies on osteoarthritis. Objective: The objective of this study was to conduct a comprehensive review of the existing scientific literature that employs three-dimensional cultures of bovine cartilage to investigate osteoarthritis. Methods: A systematic search was performed using the electronic databases PubMed and Scopus, to identify clinical studies using 3D cell culture for osteoarthritis. Search terms included: ´3D culture’, ‘3D cell culture’, ‘bovine cartilage’ and ‘chondrocyte’. A total of 59 articles were gathered, and after screening, 12 articles were included in the final analysis. Risk of bias assessment was conducted categorizing each of the studies as having a 'low,' 'medium,' or 'high' risk of bias. Results: Analysis of the articles included in this review highlighted the increased variability in harvesting sites involving carpal, metacarpal, and knee joints, as well as variation in culture methods utilizing cell passages ranging from passage zero to passage nine. Moreover, medium, and high risk of bias were detected in all the articles probably due to challenges in randomization and blinding of the studies. In summary, this review critically examines three-dimensional cell culture for the investigation of cartilage disorders, with a particular emphasis on bovine cartilage. Conclusions: Future studies should include consistent methods across the in vitro phase of the study, such as uniform harvest sites, as well as using early chondrocyte passages to preserve cellular phenotype. Furthermore, comparison of relevant translational models should include age-matched conditions to avoid further confounding factors.

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Author Biographies

Mariana Ramírez-Jaramillo, Universidad CES

Biomedical Engineering, Universidad CES, Calle 10A # 22-04 | Medellín, Colombia

Maria P Currea-Gomez, Universidad CES

Biomedical Engineering, Universidad CES, Calle 10A # 22-04 | Medellín, Colombia

Sebastián Cardona-Ramírez, Universidad de Antioquia

Grupo de Investigación OHVRI, Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia


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How to Cite

Ramírez-Jaramillo, M., Currea-Gomez, M. P., & Cardona-Ramírez, S. (2024). Exploring bovine three-dimensional chondrocyte culture models in osteoarthritis research: A systematic review. Revista Colombiana De Ciencias Pecuarias. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.rccp.357017



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