It is not easy to be an adult. The new childhoods and adolescences’ asymmetries and equivalences


  • Mariano Nadorowski Torcuato Di tella University


Childhood, adolescence, adultness, minority of age, asymmetry, authority, Neil Postman.


Following a course of work that we have been developing for several years, our goal in this article is to analyze the components of modern childhood, and to understand  the way by which, currently, the hypothesis of Neil Postman not only seem to ratify themselves but also require a greater research program, in order to understand the consequences of new circumstances. Initially, this text examines the work of some classical authors who have considered the concept of minority of age. Next, it explains the modern logics of the bonds between adults and children/adolescents, based on heteronomy, dependency, and obedience, thus delimiting the concept of asymmetry— distinctive of the political authority to adult authority—. Finally, it analyzes the changes of the adult individual, in the light of the advent of prefigurative cultures, and the dilution of adult/children differences brought about by modernity.


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Author Biography

Mariano Nadorowski, Torcuato Di tella University

Doctor of Education, professor at the Universidad Torcuato Di tella, Argentina


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How to Cite

Nadorowski, M. (2012). It is not easy to be an adult. The new childhoods and adolescences’ asymmetries and equivalences. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 23(60), 101–114. Retrieved from