Fundación Secretos para Contar, reading and education for the rural areas


  • Maria Isabel Abad


Fundación Secretos para Contar, reading promotion, rurality, communication, rural areas, teachers’ formation


 The Secrets to Tell Foundation (Fundación Secretos para Contar) publishes a series of books that are freely distributed among rural families, so that they can improve their reading habits and receive information that make their surroundings better. The achievement of the foundation’s goals has been possible because all of its products— books, workshops, pedagogical manuals, and radio programs—are based on a positive view of rurality and rural residents.


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Author Biography

Maria Isabel Abad

Master in Latin American Studies, Autonomous University of Madrid. Project Director, Fundación Secretos para Contar.


Calvino, Italo, 1972, Las ciudades invisibles, Madrid,

Siruela, 1998. Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 2004, El principito, Bogotá, Panamericana.

Universidad Medellín, Centro de Opinión Pública, 2008, Medición de impacto Fundación Secretos para Contar, Medellín.



How to Cite

Abad, M. I. (2012). Fundación Secretos para Contar, reading and education for the rural areas. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 23(60), 161–166. Retrieved from