Spaces and figures of school ritualization


  • Christine Delory-Momberger Paris 13/Nort University


School ritualization, performativity, the character of the student, biographization.


The purpose of this article is to put in perspective the forms of school ritualization and the specific biographic constructions with which the educational institution is provided. Being an “abstract” spot of the world, a place where a self-referential relation with knowledge establishes signs and discourses as ends for themselves, theschool is, itself, its own setting: its modes of action indicate a generalized performativity for which it does not stop matching its practical achievements with the signs it produces. The school finds the stimulus for such performativity in the application of spaces and ritualized devices through which it performs teaching-learning actions y the gesture of its representation. In this referential framework, the character of the “student”, analyzed as a set of prescriptions that define the forms of participation  in the school’s ritual activity, establishes a particular biographic order, which comes into conflict with its own characters and the biographical experience of the individuals-students


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Author Biography

Christine Delory-Momberger, Paris 13/Nort University

Professor of educational sciences at the University Paris 13 / Norte, Experice Interuniversity Research Center (Paris 13 / Norte-Paris 8).


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How to Cite

Delory-Momberger, C. (2012). Spaces and figures of school ritualization. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 23(61), 57–66. Retrieved from