Doctor in Social Sciences. Professor at the Institute of Social Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico


  • Ariela Battán Horenstein National University of Cordoba


corporeality, own body, objectifying the body, embodiment, education, training


In this work I plan to consider the problem of corporeality and experience in the context of embodiment
perspective. Embodiment constitutes a methodological perspective by means of which it is possible to treat
familiar topics but with a renewed body concept. Embodiment would be considered, then, as the existential
condition of human being and also as the starting point for social sciences and humanities. My intention, moreover, is to criticize some positions in which the study of body implies its objectification, i.e. its constitution as object (for instance, object of discourse, object of punishment, object of desire), in order to postulate the experience of one’s own body as a central aspect to understand ourselves as being in the world.

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Author Biography

Ariela Battán Horenstein, National University of Cordoba

Doctor in Philosophy, associate researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET), assistant professor, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba


Referencias biblio y cibergráficas

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How to Cite

Battán Horenstein, A. (2017). Doctor in Social Sciences. Professor at the Institute of Social Research, National Autonomous University of Mexico. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 24(63-64), 29–39. Retrieved from


