Narratives about how research can re-veal us


  • Griselda Amuchástegui IPEF
  • María Lourdes Pantano IPEF


research in education, collaborative action research, teacher training


This article contains the narratives of two research projects. Both show the transformations the authors have “suffered and enjoyed” while learning, as they focus not only on academic aspects but also and especially on perceptions and emotions as potential ways to create and to express oneself using a language that allows referring to oneself in multiple dimensions.

The first narrative details one of the professor’s vital journey and her reflections as a result of processes of collaborative action-research during her work with peers and teacher-training students. It describes how that experience has allowed her to create conditions for her students to come across powerful experiences, pondering and expressing them through various creative languages. The second author narrates the experience of  one of her students during his research work in the seminar “Physical education in special education”.


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Author Biographies

Griselda Amuchástegui, IPEF

Praxis Group Teacher, Provincial Institute of Physical Education (IPEF), Argentina.

María Lourdes Pantano, IPEF

IPEF student


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How to Cite

Amuchástegui, G., & Lourdes Pantano, M. (2017). Narratives about how research can re-veal us. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 25(65-66), 42–54. Retrieved from


