Rewriting among bodies by walking through po(e)sible paths. A proposal for new spaces for education and educative research


  • Noemí Duran Salvadó


a/r/tography, educational research, narrative of education, the body in school, personal relationships in education, self-narrative, school devices, school as conversation.


My own journey is the starting point of this excursion, this story. I jump from one place to another, like crossing a river while looking for the next stone. I am driven by an initial question: given the impossibility of totally knowing the other, I ask myself how to address personal relationships in a creative way in order to learn from this impossibility. The first landscape I go through and that I share in this article is titled “Recognizing our body written by others” and is connected to my doctoral dissertation: “The school as conversation among strangers. Researching with children through artistic languages” (Duran, 2012), in which I study the narrative and relational dimension of the ways in which we learn to be and exist in school. This study shows that the school arrangements for self-narratives promote standardization; this inspires in me some ideas to stop such constraining dynamics and to explore new settings for listening and for expressing the self, allowing the proliferation of subjectivities as well as alternate ways to produce and share knowledge. In the second part of the article I elaborate on this proposal and invite readers to walk along another landscape: “Rewriting among bodies by walking through po(e)sible paths”.

How to reference this article:

Duran Salvadó, Noemí, “Reescribir entre cuerpos andando caminos po(e)sibles. Propuesta de nuevos escenarios para la educación y la investigación educativa”, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Medellín, Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Educación, vol. 25, núm. 65, enero-abril, 2013, pp. 79-105.

Received:  19/02/2013

Accepted: 30/04/2013

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Author Biography

Noemí Duran Salvadó


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How to Cite

Duran Salvadó, N. (2017). Rewriting among bodies by walking through po(e)sible paths. A proposal for new spaces for education and educative research. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 25(65-66), 79–105. Retrieved from


