Evaluation of a Meta-Practicum Program in the Training of Early Childhood Educators


  • Enriqueta Jara Illanes Catolic University of Temuco


teacher training, teaching prcaticum, meta-practicum, metacognitive thought, acion investigation, practice community, childhood education


In the current conditions of initial teacher training, the practicum is increasingly acquiring a more important role, becoming one of the central aspects of teacher training. The present article accounts for a study aimed at designing, applying, and evaluating a program that can be characterized as a meta-practicum as it integrates, based on a strategy of a practicum community, meta-cognitive thinking and action investigation to improve the quality of the training of early childhood educators. It was validated with a qualitative methodology including the participative evaluation of programs, with a sample of ten students in the final stages of their practicum, ten classroom teachers, and four university supervisors responsible for the process. The results show that there was a positive assessment of the experience and of the transforming action that the program demonstrated in the professional training of participant students.

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Author Biography

Enriqueta Jara Illanes, Catolic University of Temuco

Doctor of Education. She currently works as Vice Dean of Teaching at the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University of Temuco, Chile.


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How to Cite

Jara Illanes, E. (2019). Evaluation of a Meta-Practicum Program in the Training of Early Childhood Educators. Revista Educación Y Pedagogía, 26(67-68), 61–73. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/revistaeyp/article/view/340170


