Impact de l’exclusion éducative dans les milieux sociaux
Mots-clés :
Exclusion pédagogique, Projet Includ-Ed, méthodologie communicative critique, inclusion sociale, exclusion sociale, emploi, santé, logement, participation politique et socialeRésumé
Le travail de recherche présenté ici est basé sur les résultats obtenus par les huit partenaires attribués au Projet 3 d’Includ-Ed: Stratégies pour l’inclusion et la cohésion sociale en Europe à partir de l’éducation (2006-2011) (Projet Intégré de 6è. Programme cadre de recherche de l’Union européenne). La question principale de la recherche du Projet 3 a été d’étudier comme il influence l’inclusion / exclusion éducative dans les différents domains de la société (comme l’emploi, la santé, le logement et la participation politique), et quel type d’offre éducatif contribue à vaincre les inégalités. Pour obtenir l’information ont été utilisées tant de techniques quantitatives (analyse de données statistiques des bases de données européennes) comme qualitatives (entretiens). La méthodologie communicative critique employée prête une attention spéciale aux groupes vulnérables
Atger, F. A. —Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)—, 2008, “Impact of educational inclusión / exclusion on political participation of migrants and ethnic minorities. Interim report”. Workpackage 10. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
_, 2009, “European policy analysis on education and political participation in respect to migrants and ethnic minorities. Interim report”. Workpackage 12. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
Baltic Institute of Social Sciences (BISS), 2009, “Impact of educational background on political participation: Secondary data analysis. Interim report”. Workpackage 11. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. 6.o Programa Marco de la Comisión Europea (6th Framework Programme. European Comisión (2006-2011) (FP6), European Commission (2006-2011).
Campani, G., Chiappelli, T., y Salimbeni, O. —University of Florence (Unifi)—, 2009a, “Analysis of the relationship between educational/social exclusion/ inclusion in Europe: Interim Report”. Workpackage 11. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
_, 2009b, “EU recommendations and directives on the EKS in housing: Interim report”. Workpackage 12. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
_, 2009c, “European recommendations and directives on the EKS and their impact in their national context: Working paper”. Workpackage 12. Include- ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
Centro Especial de Investigación en Teorías y Prácticas Superadoras de Desigualdades (CREA), Universidad de Barcelona, 2006, “Annex I. Description of work”, en: Includ-ED Project, 6th Framework Programme, Priority 7, Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge-based Society, European Commission.
_, 2008, “Impact of education on enployment opportunities: Literature review interim report”, Workpackage 10. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
_, 2009a, “Analysis of the relationship between educational/social exclusion/inclusion in Europe, Employment: Secondary data analysis”, Workpackage 11. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
_, 2009b, “European Recommendations and Directives on the EKS and their Impact in their national context: Working paper”, Workpackage 12. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Comission (2006-2011).
Commission of The European Communities, 2006, Efficiency and Equity in European education and training systems: SEC (2006) 1096;{COM(2006) 481 final}. Danube University Krems (DUK), 2009, “European recommendations and directives on the EKS in health: Interim report”. Workpackage 12.Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
European Commission, 2003, The Health Status of the European Union, Narrowing the Health Gap, Luxemburg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Gómez, J., A. Latorre, M. Sánchez y R. Flecha, 2006, Metodología comunicativa crítica, Barcelona, El Roure.
Hager, B. —Danube University Krems (DUK)—, 2009, “Health report: Secondary data analysis. Interim Report”. Workpackage 11. Includ-ED. Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
Includ-ED, s. f., [en línea], disponible en:
Ivančič, A., J. Mirčeva, y N. Vrečer, —Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE)—, 2008, “Impact of ecucation on healt: Literature review report (youth, women, people with desabilities. Interim report”. Workpackage 10. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
Javrh, P. —Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (SIAE)—, 2009a, “EU Recommendations and directives on the EKS in Health. Interim report”.Workpackage 12. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
_, 2009b, “European Recommendations on the EKS and the impact in their national context: Working paper”. Workpackage 12. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
Mircea, A. T. y A. Dorobantu —West University Timisoara, Romania (UVT)—, 2008, “Impact of education in terms of housing opportunities: Literature review report (migrants and ethnic minorities). Interim report”. Workpackage 10. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
Ojala, M., K. Kaalikoski y R. Niemelä —University of Helsinki (UH)—, 2009, “European recommendations and directives on the EKS and the impact in their national context. Working paper”, Workpackage 12. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
Ojala, M. y K. Kaalikoski —University of Helsinki (UH)—, 2008, “Impact of the educational background on political participation: Literature review report (youth, women and people desabilities). Iterim report”. Workpackage 10. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
Rammel, S. y R. Gottwald —Danube University Krems (DUK)—, 2009, “European Recommendations on EKS and the impact in their national context Working paper”, Workpackage 12. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
University of Helsinki (UH), 2009, “European recommendations and directives on EKS in political participation (youth, women, people desabilities). Iterim Report”. Workpackage 12. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
West University Timisoara (UVT), 2009a, “Analysis of the relationship between educational / social
exclusion / inclusion at the national level. Working paper”. Workpackage 12. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
_, 2009b, “EU Recommendations and directives concerning educational impact on housing exclusion for migrants and ethnic minorities. Interim report”. Workpackage 12. Includ-ED: Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe from education. FP6 European Commission (2006-2011).
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