Construction and deconstruction of a pedagogical experience in the field of formative research in social work.


  • Nora Eugenia Muñoz Franco University of Antioquia
  • Alex Pérez álvarez University of Antioquia


formative investigation, process, exploration thematic lines


This article is the description of an investigation experience built with and for social work students in the University of Antioquia, from which it was and is possible to develop a process that could allowe to build academic groups in exploration thematic lines, where reflection and collective construction. could make possible studies in tune with particular contexts and, above all, to generate an investigation process, in which the purpose would be to learn to develop investigation with academic, ethic-political and metodological criteria, proper ofsocial work. All this implicates to get over the concepÚon that comes with students and sorne teachers, who keep considering that the objective of the formative investigation in the last pregrado levels, is just for the fulfilment of the graduation piece of work.

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Author Biographies

Nora Eugenia Muñoz Franco, University of Antioquia

Social Worker, Master in Collective Health, Research Professor of the Department of Social Work of the U. of A.

Alex Pérez álvarez, University of Antioquia

Social Worker, Master in Habitat Studies, Research Professor of the Department of Social Work of the U. of A.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Franco, N. E., & Pérez álvarez, A. (2014). Construction and deconstruction of a pedagogical experience in the field of formative research in social work. Revista Trabajo Social, (6), 31–56. Retrieved from


