Contributions of Classic and Contemporary Authors to the Reading of Social Conflict


  • Adriana del Carmen Mora Eraso National University of La Plata


Classic, conflict, object of study, social work


The purpose of this document is to present a review of different contributions by classic and contemporary authors to the study of conflict. In the first group (classic), undeniably takes Marx as the first to propose the dynamic and transformative of the conflict, based on his ideas about class struggle. Only tangentially, Weber is also included for their strong influence on the thinking of Ralf Dahrendorf, considered the originator of the social conflict studies. In a similar way, to other considerations are added contemporary authors such as Georg Simmel, Norbert Elias and representatives approach of conflictivista sociology.

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Author Biography

Adriana del Carmen Mora Eraso, National University of La Plata

Social Worker and Master in University Teaching (National Pedagogical University - Mariana University). PhD student in Social Work (National University of La Plata, Argentina).


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How to Cite

Mora Eraso, A. del C. (2015). Contributions of Classic and Contemporary Authors to the Reading of Social Conflict. Revista Trabajo Social, (12), 91–117. Retrieved from


