From a Critical to a Revolutionary Individual in Marxist Tone: Preliminary Contributions and Debates from a Pedagogical Approach


  • Wilmar Lince University of Antioquia


Teoría crítica, resistencia, pedagogía crítica, sujeto


Along the path followed by Marx, engels, Lenin and the first generation Frankfurt School, a large number of authors have struggle to continue developing critical Theory (focused on historical materialism) proposing struggling and resisting models that evoke the role of the rational, historical and combative individual. The pedagogical approach of this path has expanded towards other social science disciplines, making it increasingly interesting, as the exercise of theoretical reflection is based on the configuration of critical individuals is the result of educational efforts and non-formal educational transactions. This article makes reference to Henry Giroux, paulo Freire and peter McLaren, three widely known critical pedagogues whose approach has things in common with the debate initiated around the critical subject concept proposed in the article “critical Subject: A conceptual construction from the classic critical Theory” (Betancur, Lince and Restrepo, 2010), that allows broadening the conceptualization, by establishing connections between pedagogy and Marxism, one of the classic theories of sociology.
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Author Biography

Wilmar Lince, University of Antioquia

Professor of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidad de Antioquia, member of the Marxist Method and Critical Theory Study Group.


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How to Cite

Lince, W. (2019). From a Critical to a Revolutionary Individual in Marxist Tone: Preliminary Contributions and Debates from a Pedagogical Approach. Revista Trabajo Social, (22-23), 33–45. Retrieved from


