Regarding Latin American Social Policies: Social Protection Assisting Process


  • Alejandra Pastorini University of the Republic of Uruguay


capitalismo contemporáneo,, Cuestión Social, estado, política Social


This article summarizes some of the research results in relation to the current changes regarding social protection in Latin America, taking as a reference the South American case. in this regard, we start from the presupposition that the transformations stirred up by the 1970s crisis that took place within the capitalist scope, will require the implementation of changes in the State that will have an impact on social protection. Within the context of a crisis, the social issues tend to get worse exacerbated and show the alteration of its immediate manifestations; at the same time, there are changes in the social mechanisms of intervention, especially the strategies supported in welfare and punitive actions. We are aware that the changes in the intervention of the social scope are a key aspect in the development of the required conditions for capital accumulation and valorization in today’s world.
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Author Biography

Alejandra Pastorini, University of the Republic of Uruguay

Social worker graduated from the University of the Republic of Uruguay (UdelaR), master's and doctorate in the postgraduate program in Social Service of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (ppGSS / UFRj), professor at the School of Social Serviço da UFRj. Coordinator of the Social Policy Research Group in Latin America: Transformations in the Social Protection Pattern.


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How to Cite

Pastorini, A. (2019). Regarding Latin American Social Policies: Social Protection Assisting Process . Revista Trabajo Social, (22-23), 67–90. Retrieved from


