Eagleton, between Benjamin and Trotsky. Marxism and the limits of the Illustrated reason


  • Juan David Piñeres Sus University of Antioquia


Materialismo histórico, Trotsky, , marxismo, Benjamin, Eagleton


This article wants to give an answer to an interpretation of the Benjamin ́s Philosophy by Eagleton.  Especifically, it focus on the last chapter of his book titled “Walter Benjamin o hacia una crítica revolucionaria”. These invectives against the Benjamin ́s historical materialism shows the reactionary character of a marxist man that, although is ambiguos on his apreciations about the posibility of overpass the clasic marxism or, just like he name it, ilustrated, doesn ́t find big revolutionary alternatives in the critics of a capitalist culture that have made of the modern man someone uncapable of comunicate his experiences.
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How to Cite

Piñeres Sus, J. D. (2019). Eagleton, between Benjamin and Trotsky. Marxism and the limits of the Illustrated reason. Revista Trabajo Social, (24-25), 9–24. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/revistraso/article/view/338517


