Women researchers, disobedience and possibilities in the field of social work research.

A reflection on trajectories at the National University of Mar del Plata


  • Leila Slovacek
  • Rocío Lazaletta
  • Solange Noblia


Investigación, Colonialidad del Saber, Perspectiva Descolonial, Trabajo Social


In this article we propose to reflect on our academic and personal trajectories as women, social workers and researchers at the National University of Mar del Plata, recovering the contributions of the decolonial, Latin American and feminist perspective, from the (in) discipline.
Understanding that the coloniality of knowledge has built a valid, universal, neutral and objective “scientific knowledge”, we propose to analyze the implications of this domination within the field of Social Work research. Understanding it as a discipline that the modern-colonial system has installed and legitimized as subalternized within the Social Sciences.
For this reason, we recover our experiences in the framework of the Research Grants of the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMDP), Argentina, and the conditions of possibility developed in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Work. It is in this sense that we also seek to retake those theoretical foundations raised by Latin American Feminist Researchers who precede us.

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Author Biographies

Leila Slovacek

Bachelor of Social Service (FCSYTS-UNMDP), Research Fellow at the National University of Mar del Plata, Member of the Social Theory, Decolonial Studies and Critical Thinking Research Group (FCSYTS-UNMDP), Graduated Associate Professor of the Bachelor of Social Work , UNMDP.

Rocío Lazaletta

Bachelor of Social Service. National University of Mar del Plata. Research Fellow at the National University of Mar del Plata. Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Bachelor of Social Work, UNMdP.

Solange Noblia

Bachelor of Social Service. National University of Mar del Plata. Research Fellow at the National University of Mar del Plata. Associate Professor Graduated from the Bachelor of Social Work.


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Consultado el 10 de febrero de 2021. Disponible en https://www.academia.edu/44840364/




How to Cite

Slovacek, L. ., Lazaletta, R. ., & Noblia, S. . (2022). Women researchers, disobedience and possibilities in the field of social work research.: A reflection on trajectories at the National University of Mar del Plata. Revista Trabajo Social, (31-32), 94–106. Retrieved from https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/revistraso/article/view/349721