From collective trauma to the collective nature of reconciliation
The experience of women belonging to a community center in Medellín-Colombia
Collective Trauma, Reconciliation, Women, Victimization, Armed ConflictAbstract
This work sought to understand the collective trauma associated with a group of women’s victimization in the context of the urban and national armed conflict in Colombia, and the construction of reconciliation from the collective processes which they participate in a community center of Medellin-Colombia city. The study, based on symbolic interactionism, was carried out through an intrinsic case study strategy, by means of investigative workshops and semi-structured interviews. Findings related to the forms of victimization of the participating women, their understanding of reconciliation as a process and the way in which they have moved from a collective trauma to a collectively constructed reconciliation are detailed. This study evidences the importance of these women having community spaces to process collectively, through dialogue, collective accompaniment and social practices, the violence's suffered effects, to project processes of social and subjective reconciliation towards the future, seeking to strengthen ties with others, to contribute to social peace and, in many cases, to forgiveness from a personal dimension.
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