El índice de libros prohibidos: la Inquisición Española: un acercamiento a la herejía y la censura en la lectura


  • Caterine Sánchez Ramírez University of Antioquia




censorship, Spanish Empire, Church, Inquisition, heresy, forbidden books, Holy Office


The implementation of The Index Librorum Prohibitorum by the Spanish Inquisition was an important section in the control of knowledge and thought that through the books could be introduced and / or published and sold throughout the jurisdiction of the Spanish Empire. The need to monitor and guide intellectuals produced walk hand in hand with the objective of inquisitorial tribunal on the protection of the rules of Christian orthodoxy and the correct implementation of these, which led to a reorientation of ideas and thoughts they were known, and protected the Empire from any infiltration of heretical ideas. The following pages intended to give a short course on the history of The Index Librorum Prohibitorum and present various positions of the scholars on the effectiveness of this and the possible cultural backwardness that could have generated.

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Author Biography

Caterine Sánchez Ramírez, University of Antioquia

Fifth semester student of History at the University of Antioquia.


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