Borbon reforms, Alberoni, Patiño, New Granada, Charles IIIAbstract
This essay traces the evolution of my research interests from their beginnings on the American side of the eighteenth-century colonial system to their shift across the Atlantic to Cádiz and Madrid, evolving from military reform, first in New Granada and then in Cuba, to the Consulado of Cádiz and commercial policy, and, finally, to the shaping of the reformist agenda at court itself. Mirroring my findings, it treats the Bourbon commercial, military, naval, and clerical reforms through three distinct but interlocking phases, spanning the period from 1713 to 1796. These include (1) the beginnings under Alberoni and Patiño, (2) innovation and reaction, 1736-1762, and (3) the policies of Charles III and their continuation under his son. The perspective keeps both sides of the Atlantic in view while addressing the highly contested, ever changing political struggles of the reformist period, all set against the interplay between Madrid and its colonial rivals.
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