Features of moral economy in indian border spaces. The northern settlers of Nuevo Santander during the indian raids, 1770-1789


  • Fernando Olvera Charles Autonomous University of Tamaulipas




moral economy, politics, resistance, incursions, Nuevo Santander


During the Indians raids that were after 1770, in the northern part of Nuevo Santander, located northeast of the viceroyalty of New Spain, several measures were taken to deal with  situation  and  treat  indigenous  people.  This  would  create  a  climate  of  tension between the powers and the inhabitants of the area. The characteristics of the place, the situation  and  conditions  of  the  populations  and  the  clash  of  central  interest  with  the locals,  led  to  the  development  of  a  moral  economy,  typical  of  these  border  spaces, which  fueled  a  widespread  rejection  of  those  inhabitants  before  such  impositions viceroyals.  Analyzing  the  conditions  that  generated  it  and  unveiling  its  features,  is  the theme that address this article.

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Author Biography

Fernando Olvera Charles, Autonomous University of Tamaulipas

Doctor in History from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Candidate for National Researcher of the SNI-Conacyt, professor-researcher at the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (Mexico).


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