Archive and Construction of the “confidential” in the beginnings of the Post Revolutionary Mexico


  • Sebastián Nelson Rivera Mir The College of Mexico



Confidentiality, Archive, Mexican Revolution, Confidential Agents


This paper analyses the mechanisms and practices linked to a new sense of the confidentiality that appeared circa 1920 and 1930. In order to focus my research I have prefered to concentrate on one archive, specifically the Archivo del Departamento de Investigaciones Políticas y Sociales, in AGN. The very first aim of this paper is to understand one of the resources used by the Posrevolutionary Mexican State. In my opinion, the confidentiality is a concept that we can use to perceive the ways followed by actors and political institutions for resolving their problems, threats, and fears.

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Author Biography

Sebastián Nelson Rivera Mir, The College of Mexico

Degree in History and Journalism from the Universidad Católica de Chile. Master in History from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa unit. He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in History at El Colegio de México.



Archivo General de la Nación, México (AGN), Fondo Dirección General de Investigaciones Políticas y sociales.

Fideicomiso Archivo Plutarco Elías Calles y Fernando Torreblanca, México (FPECFT), Fondo Plutarco Elías Calles.

Fideicomiso Archivo Plutarco Elías Calles y Fernando Torreblanca, México (FPECFT), Anexo Elías Calles.


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How to Cite

Rivera Mir, S. N. (2014). Archive and Construction of the “confidential” in the beginnings of the Post Revolutionary Mexico. Trashumante. Revista Americana De Historia Social, (4 (2014), 44–63.


